Friday, January 18, 2008

excitement ensuing......?

it's friday and i should be excited about returning to New York today, and yet at the same time I can't help but dread the coming events of this long weekend. The copious amount of work that i have to look forward to doing is rather daunting prospectively. 
UGH UGH UGH. well yeah anyway, since it's been a relatively non-spontaneous week i feel a good rant coming on. I'm supposed to see my boyfriend David tonight, he seems to be under the impression that taking a 1.5 hour train ride into the city every weekend is not that big of a deal, or moreover that my life should simply revolve around his needs. I HAVE SO MUCH WORK OMIGAWD! HOW WILL I FIND TIME TO BOTH STUDY AND DO HOMEWORK AND SEE DAVID!!!! I ASK YOU TENDER AUDIENCE: HOW!?? 
ok, i feel better, on to new, news(redundancy?) ok so this week something really pissed me off, and rather than it being an immediate piss off moment it's more of a climactic piss off mode that builds gradually as a result of sleep deprivation and anxiety. what is this thing that pisses me off so you ask? BRIAN BERTUCCI!!!! this asshole seems to be under the impression that because he has a nice body that i have "the hots" for him. THIS SOME BULLSHIT(pardon the illiteracy)! the act itself might not have been as big of a deal had he told one of my friends that it was unnatural for a guy to like another guy, had it been a girl he probably would have simply ignored the situation if she was undesirable. but he and his heckling friends chose to mock me for that. i don't know what I'm even typing anymore, I'm just angry. 
thomas the "unnatural"

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